8×10″ markers on paper February 1, 2013 Inspired by the following passage from the poem “Baby” by George MacDonald: What makes your forehead so smooth and high? A soft hand stroked it as I walked by. What makes your cheek like a warm white rose? I saw something better than anyone knows…. How did they […]
11×14″ acrylic on canvas February 7, 2013 Inspired by the following passage from Augustine’s Confessions (11.2.3): “Lord, perfect me, and open those pages to me. Behold, your voice is my joy, your voice is above a flood of pleasures…. Do not forsake your gifts, and do not despise this your plant which thirsts for you.”
16×16″ acrylic on canvas February 7, 2013 Inspired by the following passage from Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine: “The plenitude and the end of the Law and of all the sacred Scriptures is the love of a Being which is to be enjoyed and of a being that can share that enjoyment with us… We should […]
11×14″ chalk pastels on paper October 12, 2012 Inspired by a line in Augustine’s Confessions, from which the title takes its name.
16×16″ acrylic on canvas January 29, 2013 My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away. For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come.” Solomon 2:10-12 For Ferg, Jane, & Nehemiah […]