9×12″ watercolor on paper September 15, 2012 Buy original Buy prints Inspired by the following passage from Story of the Sea Shore by George MacDonald: So madness is but one of God’s pale winters; And when the winter over is and gone, Then smile the skies, then blooms the earth again, And the fair time […]
8 1/2×11″ oil pastels on paper August 18, 2012 Buy prints Inspired by the following passage from Lilith by George MacDonald: So strong in them was the love of place that their country seemed essential to their very being!
8×10″ pastels on recycled paper June 22, 2012 Buy prints Inspired by the poem “I Know What Beauty Is” by George MacDonald, specifically the following stanza: I know the rapture music brings, The power that dwells in ordered tones, A living voice that loves and moans, And speaks unutterable things.
7×9″ charcoal on recycled paper June 22, 2012 Buy prints Inspired by the following passage from A Hidden Life by George MacDonald: She was not one who of herself could be; And she had found no heart which, tuned with hers, Would beat in rhythm, growing into rime. She read phantasmagoric tales, sans salt, Sans […]