From our conversation during the car-ride home:
Claire (6yrs): <enraged, nostrils flaring, voice raised> Mom, you know what’s NOT FAIR about boys and girls?!!
Me: <oh no, did some boy tell her today that girls can’t love dragons?> What, sweet girl?
Claire: Girls can wear BOTH dresses and pants, but boys can wear ONLY pants. That’s just not fair! What if boys want to wear dresses? It makes me so mad.
Me: Huh, yeah, …. huh….
Claire: I mean, who made up that stupid rule? I’m sure originally girls AND boys were allowed to wear dresses, and the boys probably looked very pretty.
Me: Originally?
Claire: Of course! The old philosophers wore dresses … Plato and Aristotle …. and Jesus did …. you know those robes. And the medieval knights had skirts sometimes. Who decided to be unfair to boys and change things?
Me: I …. I’m not sure. It does seem kind of silly.
Claire: <starting to sound like she’s speaking from a political platform, rallying the troops, hands gesturing wildly> Someone should tell the government! And announce it in the towns! More people need to think about this! Ugh, it’s just NOT FAIR!
Me: For sure! Yes! <why not? She’s got a point about Plato, Aristotle, and Jesus…>
Claire: <calming down a bit> Well, at least one thing IS fair.
Me: Oh yeah? What’s that?
Claire: Boys are allowed to pick ANY color as their favorite color. Even pink. I saw a boy wearing a pink shirt today, and he looked very nice.