8×10″ pen and pastels on paper April 3, 2013 Buy original Buy prints Inspired by the following passage from George MacDonald’s A Hidden Life: For knowledge would multiply like Life; And two clear souls that see a truth, and, Turning, see at once each the other’s face Glow in that truth’s delight, Are drawn like […]
8×10″ pen and pastel on paper March 29, 2013 Buy original Buy prints Inspired by the following passage from George MacDonald’s Hidden Life: “He, when his lamp shot up a spiring flame, Would thus break forth and climb the heaven of prayer: ‘Do with us what thou wilt, all-glorious heart! Thou God of them that […]
8×10″ pen and pastels on paper March 3, 2013 Inspired by the following passage from George MacDonald’s poem “O Lord, How Happy!” from A Threefold Cord: “O Lord, how happy is the time When in thy love I rest! When from my weariness I climb Even to thy tender breast! The night of sorrow endeth […]
8×10″ markers and pastels on paper February 13, 2013 Title inspired by a passage in “A Story of the Sea Shore” by George MacDonald.
8×10″ pen, markers, and pastels on paper March 7, 2013 Inspired by the following passage from St. Francis of Asissi: “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”